Sunday, February 12, 2012

She wasn't lyin...

"You will have to workout for the rest of your life!"

"Working out will have to become part of your everyday!"

 My former trainer, Tammy was RIGHT! I have to admit; I did not believe her. All I had to do was get this FAT off my body and then I would be good. I learned WHAT to eat, HOW much to eat and WHEN to eat - How could I be wrong?

When they say - It's a life style change; they are 1,000,000% correct! There are not many of us that can take weight off and then stop there.

When I moved from Wyoming to Jenison I stopped going to the gym I had been a member of  for about 1 year. I could do it on my own! Tammy had taught me well; I knew the correct form, I knew how to handle weights, I knew how many reps - I WAS GOLDEN! How could I FAIL?! Brian purchased me a treadmill, I purchased weights, I purchased some workout DVDS, workout ball, tension bands...We took a spare bedroom in the new house and turned it into our own little in-home gym. I started off on a roll - I was so PROUD of myself - YOU GOT THIS, KRISTY!!!

In the time we moved into the new house and I stopped using our awesome in home gym - I gained 25 pounds. I just stopped. I stopped watching what I put in my mouth. I stopped being motivated. I stopped wanting to succeed. I just stopped. I had been busting my ass for over 1 year - I deserved to STOP. I was owed some time off. I was a solider for over 1 year and now I was going to be repaid by sitting on my butt and not moving. 1 cookie? Not a problem! 1 bowl of ice cream? Absolutely! 1 candy bar? You deserve it! Diet soda instead of water? It's all the same, go ahead! I worked out so much my metabolism was working on OVERTIME! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!

I say this with all honesty - During the months of eating horribly and not working out I was depressed and felt awful. I could not process WHY I was feeling this way - I didn't understand it. I even sought out professional help; some of what I was experiencing was sadness due to the death of my mother, however, I had been sad before and been able to work through it. Not this time. Some may think the connection is far fetched ----- I had no outlet. When I was working out; it was MY time to focus - focus on my sadness, my frustration, my anger, my pettiness, my happiness, my failures, my successes...ME! I needed to work out for my HEALTH and for my sanity!

For ME - I find motovation in GOING to the gym. I find inspriation from others around me. THEY keep me going. I feel accountable. There is no one that will listen to my excuses. When I am not there - People ask where I was - THAT is what I need. I will forever be a gym rat.

I guess what I would say to anyone that reads this and does not belong to a gym - Get active. Do something. MOVE.

I used to think that you needed to BE in shape to go to a gym - HA! What was I thinking? JUST GO! Get up and GO! If you are not comfortable GOING to a gym - then open your eyes and look can workout ANYWHERE at ANYTIME. Do you have stairs in your house? YEP! Bust a move - run up and down the stairs a few times. Jumping jacks. Sit ups. Push ups. Squats. The possibilites are endless. The ONLY thing that is stopping you is YOU. I used to think it was HARD --- Taking care of yourself is the easiest thing in the world. YOU deserve it. I deserve it. WE DESERVE IT!

***This week is in honor of my mother. Feburary 15th will be the 9 year anniversary of her passing. I will NOT dewell on the sadness of that day - I will remember you with joy and love! Every workout that I complete this week, every calorie I burn this week, every bead of sweat - will be in honor of you. YOU made me the person I am today. YOU made me laugh - YOU made me cry. YOU made me proud. YOU were always in my corner. YOU always had my back. Shriley Jean DeKraker - are the best mother a daughter could ask for. I love you.***